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The Complete Myers-Briggs: Discovering What's Normal for You
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome! (21:20)
A Brief History (10:41)
MBTI Breakdown Disclaimer
The Letters
Figuring Out Your Type
Defining Reality
Introversion and Extroversion (13:27)
The Extrovert Experience
The Introvert Advantage
The Myth of the Ambivert
Soaking it All In
Intuition vs. Sensing: Defining Your Learning Style (12:18)
What is Sensing?
What is Intuition?
How can Sensors and Intuitives better understand each other?
Making Better Choices
Thinking vs. Feeling: Your Decision Making Process (15:12)
Thinking Types
Thinking and Insensitivity
Why the World Needs Introverted Thinking...
Feeling Types Overview
How Thinkers and Feelers Can Connect...
How You Show Up...
Judging vs. Perceiving: How You Show Up (17:48)
Judging, Not Judgemental
Are Perceivers lazy?
J or P: Which is Better?
Life Application
Typing as a Tool: Career, Relationships and Parenting (19:41)
Considerations when Typing | Maturity, Upbringing, Culture
Career Considerations
Relationships and Connections
Understanding Others
Parenting, Ego and Typing Children
Next Steps
Using MBTI to Identify Mental Health Triggers
Intro to Cognitive Functions
Decision Making
The Introvert Advantage
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